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How we can get to zero waste in NYC!
Moderator Melissa Elstein of West 80s Neighborhood Association, introductions by DeAnna Rieber, NYC Coalition of Block and Community Leaders; and Reverend Robert Brashear, West-Park Presbyterian Church; and with speakers, Helen Rosenthal, City Council Member (District 6); Gale A. Brewer, Manhattan Borough President; Eadaoin Quinn, Sims Municipal Recycling; Emily Nobel Maxwell, The Nature Conservancy; Brett Mons, NYC Department of Sanitation - Commercial and Residential Recycling; Ermin Siljkovic, GrowNYC – Residential Curbside Organics Recycling; Thadddeus Copeland, GrowNYC Recycling Champions Program – Schools Recycling Program; Caroline Bragdon, NYC Department of Health (Pest Control); and Q and A Moderator DeAnna Rieber.
Sponsors, in addition to panelists' organizations,
West-Park Presbyterian Church; Community Board 7; The Center at West-Park; NYC Coalition of Block and Community Leaders (CBCL NYC); Mothering Mother; Friends of West-Park; NYC Sierra Club; 350NYC; United for Action (UFA); Citizens Committee for New York City; Bag the Habit, and Terracycle.
November 10, 2015 at West Park Presbyterian Church in Manhattan.